Product: Tequila Doña Carlota -Blanco, Reposado, & Añejo

Factory: Cavas Vamer S.A. de C.V.
NOM: 1488 CRT

Region: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

Aged in oak: Reposado 6 months, Añejo 1 year

Agave Sugars: 100%
Alc. By Vol.: 40% (80 Proof)

Description: Cavas Vamer makes their tequila in a small distillery, concentrating on quality tequila, packaged in unique bottles. The Silver is very rich with the sweetness of agave, the Reposado is crisp and clean, and the Añejo has slight overtones of oak. Bottled in the ceramic "Agave Heart Bottle (Piña)", and "genie" bottles with sun-moon boxes. Blanco=clear, Reposado=blue, Añejo=red.

miniature PINA